Thursday 24 March 2011

March 8

March 8
Ex president Sukarno (Bung)


Ah, sad indeed. I will have to say goodbye to this lovely chain of emerald islands.
It has been a lovely experience, an experience that has taught me much more that I ever dreamed it would.
An experience that will stay with me for the rest of my life, an experience that will live in me and continue to grow … as I grow old.

My brother Menno and the nehneh
This morning we woke to the sound of birds, no rain, no clouds, .... Bali is apologizing for soaking us to the bone, for us having to dry our clothes in front of the air conditioner...we are so happy that we had this great opportunity. I am grateful to Menno for showing me all the places that he enjoyed and that carved a spot in HIS memories. Yes, I will be always thankful to him.

We had lots of laughs and shared many brotherly moments and there were times that we stood in awe of the things we saw, we both had tears in our eyes when we saw the suffering that some people here take for granted, the poverty that is one, with this place, yet, there is always a smile for us, a kind word, a gesture and a warm:....
"selamat datang di rumah saya, mau duduk?....mau kopi?"
" welcome to my house, please sit down, would you like a coffee?


A last blessing...a last goodbye
Those who have been here will agree with me that Bali and Indonesia are a truly special and spiritual places, places with a thousand secrets and a thousand revelations. The connection with the spiritual world here can only begun to be understood when one comes here and tunes into the psyche of the people and the serenity of this place. From the thousands of temples to the singing bamboo poles on the beach, especially carved to sing a song of blessing, in even the slightest wind, to the air-propellors that are carved and tuned to sing their songs to the gods and all those that care to hear their message..... peace-love and above all …serenity!!

Yes, a truly special place indeed…

Now it's time to go home, and it too,  has it's blessings, it too is mine....
I am richer for all the experiences that were bestowed upon me.  I am blessed.

We did not feel that we could leave here without, once more, make a visit to the Tahu we did....

It struck me right there, it was suddenly as clear as a bell, it is this very dish, this combination of flavors and scents, from the tahu, tempeh, lumpia, SOS kacang and the slivered birds beak chilis, that condense all the past weeks into one superb dish, of the simplest kind, when I think about Indonesia, this is what will come to mind...this dish will give birth to all the other memories that I stored on my “hard drive...”

Terima kasi for everything ....

Good bye Bali, good bye Indonesia.....I can hear, in the wind you sing.....

Selamat Jalan bahpah....

Recipe for Rempeyek:

700ml coconut milk (from a can)
175g rice flour
1 teaspoon salt
½ tsp chili flakes
Oil for deep frying
300g fried peanuts 

Grind and Dry-fry  (aka "toasting")
3 tablespoons cumin
3 tablespoons coriander
½ tsp turmeric
¼ tsp star anise powder

1.      Combine the first five ingredients till smooth
2.      Heat the oil in a wok. Immerse the rempeyek mold to heat it.
3.      Lift the mold, then spoon some batter into it. Sprinkle 8-9 peanuts.
4.      Dip the mold into the wok. The rempeyek should separate easily from the mould. Fry till golden brown. Remove from heat and drain well.

* If a rempeyek mold is unavailable, use a flat frying pan and a wok. Heat a little oil in the flat pan. Ladle some batter and drop the groundnuts into it. Then pour batter into the pan. Let it cook to solidify for 2-3 minutes before transferring into the hot oil in a wok for deep frying.


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